
Superfoods for Winter Skincare



Superfoods for Winter Skincare

You do not feel thirsty in winter; Therefore, you don’t drink a lot of water. You need to keep your skin hydrated and moisturized in winters. You’re also probably not eating enough skin-friendly foods. Your diet can also protect your skin from ultraviolet (UV) sun damage, dryness and reduce wrinkles and other signs of aging on the skin, and promote glowing and smooth skin.


Beetroot is a great source of vitamin C. By fighting free radical activity, vitamin C helps delay aging and makes your skin youthful and glowing. Either you can eat it in salad or make juice out of it. It make a great addition to your diet.


Carrots are an excellent source of beta-carotene which is a skin-friendly nutrient that gets converted into vitamin A inside the body. Along with vitamins, carrots are also loaded with vitamin C. Carrots have antioxidant properties that protect your skin from oxidative damage caused by free radicals. The lycopene in carrots protects your skin from UV damage.


Avocado contains loads of nutrients like vitamins A, C and E. They also contain monounsaturated fats, which help the skin gain and retain moisture. Avocado is also a storehouse of minerals that are essential for healthy skin.


Broccoli is one of the healthiest vegetables that is good for your skin. It is rich in Vitamin A and C to keep the skin healthy and reduce scars and maintain collagen production. Broccoli contains vitamin B that helps reduce dry patches on the skin.

Olive Oil

Olive oil is good for the skin, mostly during the winter season when the skin becomes dry. Foods rich in vitamins A and E and many other natural fatty acids and minerals help hydrate the skin to maintain its suppleness and elasticity.

It also prevents skin aging, when fine lines and wrinkles appear, and it protects the skin from damage caused by free radicals.

Green tea

Green tea is one of the best foods available on the planet, and it’s no wonder it’s full of antioxidants, which eliminate free radicals and prevent flaky skin. It also help reduce fine lines and wrinkles.


Chamomile is widely used in cosmetics. The mesmerizing scent of chamomile is a stress-buster. Chamomile oil can be applied for skin irritations. Simply brew some chamomile tea and use it as a facial water or as a base for your cream to get the best results. Chamomile is very effective to get rid of the problem of pigmentation, acne or to treat your dry skin.


Spinach, fenugreek or fenugreek leaves, carom seeds are now available in abundance. Add these to your dal, snacks or salads daily. Not only rich in iron but also rich in micro minerals that are vital for your skin.

Dark chocolate

They not only release good hormones but also contain antioxidants which are very good for your skin. Dark chocolate is one of the best foods to keep your skin beautiful and beautiful. It contains flavonoids which help in making the skin glow even in the cold winter. It also provides natural protection to your skin from the sun. Dark chocolate can be bought in many forms such as chocolates, cupcakes, brownies or online cake delivery in Bhubaneswar or wherever you reside.


During the winter months, you need lots of fatty acids to nourish the body. Including salmon and other seafood in your winter diet helps. It contains high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids that nourish the skin from within. It helps in restoring the moisture and plumpness of the skin instead of drying it out. Also, a mineral called selenium protects the skin from UV rays while zinc stimulates the production of new skin cells.


It is very beneficial in the winter season. It works wonders for skin care in winters, combating many problems like dry skin and flaky patches. It is a good source of vitamins that nourish the skin and protect it from the harmful UV rays of the sun. It also has anti-aging properties that reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and other signs of aging.


Pomegranates have a high water content, which means they help hydrate your skin better. Pomegranates contain vitamin C and a variety of antioxidants that help combat free-radical activity, which is responsible for deteriorating skin-health.

Water is very important even in winters as it not only helps in removing dehydration from inside but also keeps your skin moisturized. You can drink water in the form of green tea or other healthy concoction

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