
Medlar Smoothie



Medlar Smoothie

The medlar is a fruit with a slight acid touch, especially when it is green, but very sweet when it is ripe, and that is why it is an ideal ingredient to prepare a rich Medlar Smoothie.

The best thing about preparing it in the form of a smoothie is that we will facilitate its consumption since it is generally a fruit with little meat and a lot of bone.

If, in addition, we involve the smallest of the house in its preparation, we will be teaching them the importance of eating fruit and they will enjoy both preparing it and consuming it.

If you like this type of smoothie prepared with citrus ingredients, you cannot miss our Natural Orange Juice recipes.

How to make a medlar smoothie?

Making a smoothie with medlars is really simple, we just have to wait for the harvest time of this fruit, which occurs between the months of March, April, and May.

It is a fairly short season, so if we want to consume this rich fruit, we must take advantage of those months to do so and prepare jams to be able to consume them all year round.

Ideally, use ripe loquats, as these will be sweeter and generally less acidic. In this way we will not need to add any sweetener to our mix, getting a 100% natural, low calorie, and very healthy shake.


  • 10 loquats (better if they are ripe)
  • 250 ml of whole milk (you can also use vegetable milk *)
  • Peppermint leaves for garnish
  • 2 or 3 ice cubes.

* Try substituting cow’s milk for the vegetable milk that you like the most. This will add a touch of extra flavor and you can achieve different results. We recommend using coconut milk, with which you will get a more exotic flavor to your drink.


  1. Clean the medlars well with cold water, peel them, and remove the inner bone.
  2. Put them together with the milk in the jug of the blender and beat them for a few seconds so that everything is well mixed
  3. If you want to get a cold drink, add ice cubes to taste and beat again until it is completely crushed and well integrated into the mixture.
  4. Taste the result, and in case it is not sweet enough, you can always add a teaspoon of honey or your favorite sweetener to correct it.
  5. Serve in glasses and garnish with the mint leaves.

Loquat benefits

The medlar is a fruit native to China, which when ripe has a slightly acid sweet taste, which becomes more pronounced when it is green. These grow in clusters and have a color that varies from yellow to orange.

It is a very complete fruit, which gives us great benefits for our health. It is rich in multiple vitamins such as A, B, C and K, and minerals such as magnesium, iron, calcium, potassium, and manganese.

It is low in calories, since it contains only 40 calories per 100 grams, making it ideal for people who are dieting or want to lose weight.

It is also rich in fiber, which helps us regulate our intestinal transit since we get satiated more easily, thus preventing us from snacking between meals.

When is the best time to consume them?

Medlar trees have a very short season, which lasts during the months of March, April, and May. During these months is when you have to take advantage of it to consume it. If you want to do it all year round, it is best to prepare jam when they are ripe, as it is a great way to preserve them.

Medlar names in other languages

This fruit has different names around the world, among them we would like to highlight the ones that are closest to Spanish.

  • In English, it has the name of loquat or medlar.
  • In German, his name is Mispel, which bears a greater resemblance to the one we use in Spanish.
  • In French, it is called nèfle.
  • In Portuguese, it has the same name as in English “ Medler ”.

If this fruit has another name in your country, we will be happy to add it to the list. Leave us a comment below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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