Organic Shares A Shocking Ingredient In One Of Their Local Dishes 



There’s a Filipino dish that’s very popular. But not a lot of folks know the shocking ingredient that makes it yummy. The moms of looked into this particular Filipino dish called dinakdakan. You can learn more about it at

Dinakdakan is a tasty local dish but there’s a shocking ingredient that goes into it. The said website features flavorful Filipino cuisine, together with local home-based businesses that have helped a lot of moms cope with the pandemic.  It can easily be a reliable resource for moms looking out for food.

So What Is Dinakdakan?

Dinakdakn is an interesting dish. It originated from the north region of the Philippines, Ilocos.

It’s made out of the face of the pig. The ears and the cheeks of the pig are chopped and grilled. However, those are not the shocking ingredients of this particular Filipino dish.

The versatility of this particular Filipino dish is amazing. You can eat it as a salad or an appetizer. You can enjoy it as the main dish as well since it goes so well with rice.

It’s also a good match with a couple of beers. It’s up to you how you want to enjoy.

What Is The Shocking Ingredient? 

So, what is the shocking ingredient of dinakdakan? Well, it’s not the pig’s face but it’s the pig’s brain.

Yes, the pig’s brain is mixed into the dish to make it creamy. Sounds interesting? Well, one thing is for sure. The pig’s brain makes the dish very tasty.

While the pig’s brain may sound like a shocking ingredient of the dinakdakan dish, it’s also very nutritious.  Did you know that the pig’s brain can prevent our own brain and spinal cord from getting damaged? That’s not all because it also contains a lot of nutrients that are good for the health.

It’s Not Dinakdakan Without It 

The dinakdakan dish has been recreated in so many ways. As a matter of fact, it’s always mistaken as sisig, a similar dish from a nearby province.

Truth be told, these two dishes are very different from each other. At least, their original versions are very different from each other. The sheer difference between the two dishes is that the original dinakdakan is cooked with a pig’s brain and the sisig dish is not cooked with it.

The thing is, the difference between the two dishes has become vague over the years since some folks have started to add in a pig’s brain to sisig as well.

However, if you do ask someone from the Ilocos region, he or she will tell you that it’s not dinakdakan without a pig’s brain.

A Less Shocking Ingredient As An Option 

There is a less shocking ingredient that you can always use as an option and that is mayonnaise.

In case, you can’t find some pig’s brain or you’re not too crazy about it, you can always use mayonnaise. It will also give the dinakdakan dish a creamy texture.  However, you would have to add a lot of mayonnaise to retain the creaminess of the dish.

If you use a pig’s brain, you won’t need a lot of it but you get the flavor and the creaminess of it. Furthermore, you won’t be able to reap the health benefits of the pig’s brain.

The pig’s brain may be a shocking ingredient but it’s what makes dinakdakan really yummy. Even if you do have an alternative ingredient for it, you’ll be missing out on the original flavor and texture of the dinakdakan dish.

Are you familiar with the dinakdakan dish from the Philippines? Have you ever tasted it? if yes, tell us about it.

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